Frontier Girls Motto

If you see a need, Take the lead!

Frontier Girl Promise

I promise to love God ,
Be loyal to my country ,
and to love my neighbor as myself.

Frontier Girl Creed

As a Frontier Girl
I will be Loving, treating others as I would like to be treated.
I will be Joyful, finding the blessings in every situation.
I will be Peaceful, respecting others opinions and beliefs.
I will be Patient, persevering toward my goals despite obstacles.
I will be Kind, respectful to all and willing to help others at all times.
I will be Good, pure in all I do, think, and say.
I will be Faithful to my God and loyal to family, friends, and country.
I will be Gentle, taking special care of those weaker or less fortunate than I.
I will have Self Control, using my time, materials and talents wisely, and being accountable for my
own actions.



Contact: Leader@FGQ340.org